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Schlacht von Hastings

Ausschnitt des Wandteppichs von Bayeux

Bayeux Tapestry - Scenes 55 & 56 - Duke William lifts his helmet to be recognized on the battlefield of Hastings. Eustace II, Count of Boulogne points to him with his finger. In the bottom margin, a row of archers. Titulus: HIC EST WILLEL[MUS] DUX (Here is Duke William)

Bild: Wikipedia; Myrabella - Eigenes Werk - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Myrabella
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Größe1920 x 1050
Verknüpft mitOdo von Bayeux (Conteville); König Harald (Harold) II. von England (von Wessex); Graf Gottfried (Geoffrey) II. von Le Perche (von Nogent); Aimery IV. von Thouars

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