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Beatrice von Savoyen

Beatrice von Savoyen

weiblich 1250 - 1292  (42 Jahre)


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Manuel von Kastilien & Beatrice von Savoyen

Manoel, Infante of Castile and Beatrice of Savoy, in a 17th-century painting in the Palace of the Counts of Ficalho, in Serpa, Portugal.

Bild: Wikipedia; Unknown author - GONÇALVES, Susana Cavaleiro Ferreira Nobre (2013). A arte do retrato em Portugal no tempo do barroco (1683-1750): conceitos, tipologias e protagonistas. Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras
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Verknüpft mitFamilie: von Kastilien/von Savoyen (F21254); Beatrice von Savoyen

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